Archive for sales

Cute, Turbine, Cute…

Posted in Diary, lotro with tags , , , , on September 14, 2012 by Corleth

Turbine are cute. No, not ‘cute‘ as in ‘attractive’ – ‘cute’ as in ‘clever’. They don’t want you to prepare for going free-to-play. That would be bad form!

Bad form, old boy, fad form!

Bad form, old boy, bad form!

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve decided to let my LoTRO subscription lapse; I no longer can justify paying a subscription for a game that I know I’m only going to play sporadically, going forward. I’m going free-to-play, in other words.

However, that doesn’t mean I want to block myself from playing content in the earlier zones, so my plan, once my subscription lapses in a couple of weeks time is:

  • to pick up the digital version of ‘the Mithril edition’ for €15, which will give me the quest packs for the Trollshaws, Eregion, Moria, and Lothlorien – plus 2000 Turbine Points (TP).
  • to also pre-order the basic ‘Riders of Rohan’ expansion which itself comes with another 1000TP.
LOTRO mithril edition

LOTRO mithril edition

I already have access to Mirkwood and Dunland [having purchased the related expansions at the time of their respective releases]. This will leave me missing the Lonelands, Northdowns, Evendim, Forochel, Angmar, Misty Mountains, Enedwaith and the Great River. Going forward, any of these that I find I require can be paid for using some of the above mentioned 3000TP.

However, this week sees all existing quest packs on sale, at 25% off, in the LoTRO store…yet I can’t buy any of them because my VIP subscription doesn’t expire for another two weeks!! Does anyone think that Turbine would be good enough to cancel my VIP subscription 7 to 10 days early so that I can purchase some quest packs on the cheap?!

I thought not…

GW2 is wins again!